Electronic service protocols
Execution of the order may be completed with the preparation of an electronic report in the Luceos Smart mobile application and the client 's signature collected on the screen of the mobile device.
Automatic generation of protocol content
Luceos Smart generates a PDF document containing all protocol information, including the customer's signature. The report may also be automatically supplemented with additional information collected during the execution of the order:
Application data,
Data on used parts,
Data about the time of work on the assignment (including travel and working time).
And many others
Knowledge base - electronic documentation of the work performed
The report on the execution of the order is available in the Luceos Smart system as an service order report document and in the future it is available in the history of each devices it concerned, customer it was done for and site a service order was performed at.
Adjusting the patterns and scope of data in the protocol to the individual needs of the client
The scope of data collected while filling in the protocol, the document format, the method of communication and the recipients of the protocol are adapted to the specific requirements of the client when starting the Luceos Smart service.
The order execution report may be supplemented with additional information related to compliance with procedures, e.g. quality or safety, which are managed by the checklist module.