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Service requests - Service Desk support

Accepting a request is the first stage of service. However, not every request is converted into an order and not every one ends up with a service technician's visit to the customer. It is important that the company has control over the requests received and how their number translates into the number of maintenance services performed. Luceos Smart offers functions like registration, dispatching and management of service requests.



Registration of a new request

A request can be received in many ways. Regardless of the method, it is crucial that the information provided by the client is recorded and that the process of handling a new request is started.

Examples of ways to enter a new notification in the Luceos Smart system:

Telephone service request

In the case of a notification by phone, the operator can enter it into the system on his own - then he sets the basic parameters of the notification, such as:

  • The title of the request and its type (selected from the customer's dictionary),

  • The customer who made the notification (including contact persons on the customer's side),

  • Request priority,

  • Expected closure date & time of the notification,

  • The person initially responsible for the notification (on the service side).

E-mail service request (automated)

If a customer e-mail address is defined in the system, the system can intercept and register as a new notification every e-mail sent from such address. In this case, the application parameters are also completed by the coordinator.

Call-Center (phone) service request

Luceos Smart can also be integrated with the service of an external Call-Center system. In such case Luceos Smart can intercept incomming and answered calls and automatically and immediately present details and history of a calling customer to the agent. 


Service request from the Customer Portal

If the Customer Portal (or Partner Portal) is used, the new service requestis registered by a customer (or subcontractor). Registration takes place with the help of a dedicated application form that guides the user through the process of entering data about a new request. In particular, suggesting additional information previously collected and stored in Luceos Smart Knowledge Database. For example:

  • A list of client's locations,

  • A list of the client's machines or devices,

  • Guide the process depending depending on data in the Knowledge Base, like type of a customer, status of a device (e.g. still under warranty) etc.

A registered request is immediately displayed on the main Luceos Smart portal and can be immediately pciked up by a service personnel.

The Customer Portal also allows the customer to track the progress of previously registered requests.



Service request handling


Handling the request - after it has been registered in the system, may be a complex process and may can the following:

  • Changing its status (new, open, ongoing or closed)

  • Changing its priority,

  • Extending a request with additional activities and informaiton such as documentation, a list of tasks to be performed etc.

  • The request may be also converted into one or more service orders and sent to the service technician for execution, or

  • stored in the system as pending execution.

The system generates statistics of applications, thanks to which you can determine:

  • How many notifications were received in a given period,

  • How many of them were converted into orders,

  • How many requests were handled by a given employee,

  • How quickly reports were closed.

  • And others.


The system can also notify the customer about any change in a request by sending e-mails or text messages.



Managing all service requests


Luceos Smart has a number of functionalities, the purpose of which is to support the control of handling many simultaneous requests.

The basic supporting elements are: 

  • dedicated management panels, which may consist of ticket calendars, filtered ticket lists or real-time ticket statistics as well as key performance indicators (KPI) or service parameters (SLA).

  • notifications by e-mail or SMS


Closing the ticket

The ticket may be closed automatically after the last of the orders created from it has been completed. The request can also be closed at any time by the coordinator. The system can notify the customer about the closing of the notification by e-mail or by SMS.



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