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Luceos Smart

How to create a modern knowledge base of the service team?

A comprehensive knowledge base is a key element in managing the work of field teams, and its regular updating should be a priority in every service company. Properly conducted, it provides all employees with a complete set of information about a given task, helps to improve the quality of customer service, allows you to minimize downtime, and also contributes to more effective service management. So let's find out how to create a knowledge base of the service team and what features should it stand out in order to best serve our company!

The professional knowledge base of the service team - how to create the right solution?

A properly prepared knowledge base of the service team is an extremely important part of the company's work management. What features should it have? Above all, it must be constantly updated with new information. Only then will it fulfill its purpose and become an extremely helpful tool for both employees and customers of the company. It is worth ensuring that the information in the database is updated on an ongoing basis by all members of the service team, and not by additional employees. This will not only reduce operating costs but also significantly accelerate data exchange. However, for this to happen, you must choose a modern service management system that will be available to all team members.

What should the modern knowledge base of the service team be like?

Remember that the modern knowledge base of the service team should be part of an integrated system - such as the software for the service companies Luceos Smart - and be available to each of the company's employees. The integration allows you to collect all key data and make them available to both specialists in the field and those employed in the office. Importantly, users should be able to filter information depending on their needs, analyze numerical data or create reports and charts. An extremely important step is the appropriate preparation of the service team's knowledge base, which consists of adding to it historical data, including those relating to the period preceding the software implementation. As a result, employees will receive a complete package of information about a given project or client, and the system will be able to generate comprehensive reports and statistics. Moreover, the set of historical and current data enables their detailed analysis, which will result in the construction of models and the discovery of repeating patterns. Thanks to such actions, the system is able to predict upcoming events (e.g. device failures), and the company can prepare for them in advance. It is worth remembering that a modern knowledge base of the service team should serve not only service employees but also customers. They will appreciate the possibility of accessing the documentation of works or the current list of accepted and completed notifications.

How the service knowledge base in Luceos Smart looks like?

Luceos Smart is a modern solution offering a comprehensive service team knowledge base that is tightly integrated with order, task, and project management functions. The database shows detailed data relating to specific customers, devices, subcontractors, and locations. The system allows you to enter, among others, addresses and contact data, information on customer management, device specifications, information on warranties, or the history of orders and parts used. Luceos Smart enables the collection of detailed documentation, which allows you to build the historical knowledge base on service contracts, equipment, and clients. Employees can post photos, files, comments, and warnings that serve all team members and contribute to more efficient work. Therefore, service technicians have constant access to key information, such as the scope of work, order completion date, device configuration, technical parameters of machines, register of materials used, etc. Moreover, among the available functions, there is also a service team competency management module that allows you to define the skills and experiences of individual employees. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to automatically match orders to people who have appropriate qualifications.

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