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Service management. Guide


Zaktualizowano: 8 mar 2022

If you run a company that provides customer service support, you are surely well aware that organizing an efficient service is not an easy job. However, you can deal with it by applying some important principles of managing your online site as well as implementing some useful tools. Check what is worth paying special attention to.

How to effectively manage the service?

The principles of service management concern, above all, easy and clear communication between all persons involved in the process. The work should be properly planned and recorded from the moment of accepting the service request until the end of the service. In practice, however, it often turns out that chaos creeps into the communication between employees or the service manager and the customer. This is definitely not conducive to efficiency in performing individual tasks, and also does not have a positive effect on the company's image.

Therefore, it is worth remembering a few basic rules of online service management to avoid misunderstandings and complete orders as soon as possible. In addition to the aforementioned clear communication, which is the basis of the team's activity, one should bear in mind that the following is also necessary:

- quick access to customer data and requirements,

- gathering all relevant information in one place and providing access to it for people involved in a given task,

- easy access to work progress data,

- reporting by the service.

Thanks to the implementation of the above principles of service management, the work of the team dealing with this issue can be smoother and more efficient. First of all, each person involved in the process will have up-to-date knowledge of the progress of the engagement. It is also important that the responsibility for each stage will be clearly defined.

To make the implementation of online service management easier, it is worth taking an interest in tools that are used to handle service requests and support proper communication between employees and between the company and the customer. Theoretically, service documentation can be collected in analog form. However, it is much more effective to use an appropriate IT system for this purpose. Why is it worth it?

How to improve service management - available tools

Among the principles of service management, clear communication comes to the fore. Each person involved in the process should have ongoing access to the information they need. For this purpose, various types of systems that have been designed precisely to support the work of the service are ideal.

Thanks to such tools, you can, among others: - create a service order containing all relevant data (customer name, the scope of service, list of spare parts, the person responsible for the execution of the order, etc.), - check which service technician from a given region is currently available, - optimally distribute work, taking into account the location and specialization of individual employees, - obtain current data on the status of the order, - carry out the quick settlement of the service provided.

Thanks to the use of such a tool, it is possible to implement the principles of service management very effectively. First of all, communication is very efficient, because all interested parties have a current view of the order status. In addition, all important data are in one place and there is no fear that an important detail will escape the attention of the coordinator or service technician performing a specific order. Another important aspect is the improvement and acceleration of information flow between employees. Thanks to the use of service management systems, the company can also reduce expenses. This is mainly due to the possibility of optimal work distribution among service technicians.

The tool takes into account their availability, current location, and specialization, thanks to which it helps in planning the performance of specific services. The use of modern IT tools fits perfectly into the main principles of online service management in an efficient and cost-effective manner.

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